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Lost in translation?

Bringing home a piece of the provincial French fantasty is a dream for many but it can feel a little intimidating when you’re not great with the language or worried you’re possibly over paying.  Don’t worry!  Everyone is very nice and we’ve got your back! 


Here are some key descriptions and phrases that should help you out!


English Phrase:

French Translation:

Phonetic Pronunciation:

What is it?

Qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Kess ka say?

What material is used?

Quel est le matériau utilise?

Kel est le mateer-ee-o oo-ti-lee-zay?

How much is it?

Sa combien?

Sa com-bee-en?

Would you sell it for…..? 

Pourriez-vous le vendre ?

poor-ay-voo lee Vondra?

Do you have another?

Avez-vous un autre? 

av-ay-voo an ot-ra?

Do you have a business card?

Avez-vous une carte de visite ?  

av-ay-voo oo-n cart dee vis-eet?

Do you take credit cards?

Acceptez-vous les cartes de crédit ?

accept-ay-voo lay cart dee credeet?

I’m looking…

Je regarde…

je ree-gaard-ay

Can I have a bag please?

Puis-je avoir un sac, s'il vous plaît ?

Pwee jav-war an sack, sil voo play




French Word/Phrase:



A charity shop or thirft store dealing in smaller items generally.


An Antiques shop

Vide maison

House sale or yard sale

Vide grenier

Car boot sale or garage sale

C’est vendu

It is sold


To buy



Un objet d’occasion

Vintage, second-hand object

Un meuble

A piece of furniture

Un bric à brac

A collection of eclectic things

Un brocanteur, une brocanteuse

A person who sells antiques



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